Well you know you're really padding things out when Links is a menu item. But I love sharing things and beneath are some things I hope you find useful.

For the meantime, it's just links on Web Development but I'll find time for some more recreational links as soon as I manage to sift through my bookmarks.


I must curb my enthusiasm regarding the @font-face technique. As per usual google makes things easier with their API. This just changes everything.

So often the answer to my problem sits in the forums at Stack Overflow.

Seb is a real lad for posting this. It's all about gzip and ie6, boring but it got me out of a sticky spot so it feels only right to credit him.

There are still a lot of Web Developers who don't know about this little gem.

Useful for quickly chalking up a font for your site.

I took a look at a few jquery scrollers for my site and I thought this one best put together. I've made minor modifications to my own.

Useful information can be found here about how best to minify your javascript files.

When I was getting used to Apache's mod_rewrite I started with this site. It was a real eye-opener in terms of what could be achieved with the module.

I'm weirdly interested in 404 page design, can't understand why no-one bothers with humourous pages for 403s.

This is largely useful for CSS, I've found a lot of useful tools at this site.

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